Category: Eagle Scout Article
Hits: 1223

Your Eagle Scout Scoutmaster Conference

The good news is that your Eagle Scout Scoutmaster conference is almost like any other Scoutmaster conference you had on the way to becoming an Eagle candidate. But ....

There are a couple extra requirements before this particular Scoutmaster conference: 

Other than these items, this is just like any other Scoutmaster conference. Be sure to make any changes in the above materials requested by your Scoutmaster before you request an Eagle Scout Board of Review. 

The Eagle Scout Board of Review is done by the District, not by your Troop. Once your Eagle Scout Scoutmaster conference is complete, and all three people (you, your Scoutmaster, and your Committee Chair) have signed, you should request an Eagle Scout Board of review by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view request it. Do NOT attach anything to this email; directions for how to proceed will be returned to you via email.