Category: Eagle Scout Article
Hits: 1682

Are You Ready for Your Eagle Scout Ceremony?

OK, you have successfully passed your Eagle Scout Board of Review!  Congratulations!  Now, before you begin planning your Eagle Scout Court of Honor, how would you like your Eagle Scout information to be published in area newspapers? If so, then fill out the "Eagle Publicity Information" form, attach it to an e-mail to your Troop's publicity coordinator, and s/he should make sure your information makes it into the local news. 

Then, confer with your Troop about planning your Eagle Scout Court of Honor; each Troop's procedures and customs are different.  
And, finally, C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! !   
Note: Texas State Senator Don Huffines has offered to recognize Eagle Scouts from his Senate District. If you live in his Senate District and wish to take advantage of his offer, see the article which describes the procedure to follow HERE